Gerritt and Tara Kenyon, missionaries to the youth of Panama, were our guest speakers for the weekend. Friday night was the beginning of our lives. Gerrit spoke. We were challenged us to check our baggage. You see, so many times in life instead of giving our burdens and sins over to God we carry it around with us like a chip on our shoulder. He presented Jesus as a counteragent in an airport. We bring our baggage and check it in at the counter, but the difference is with Jesus we only check it once. That's all we need to do, except for some masochistic reason we take our baggage back and continue as we were. We walk around with this heavy heart.
Jesus said, "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." [Matthew 11:30] God knew He was going to send His son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross. He knew that Jesus was going to pay the price and carry the burden before He created us. That is why our bodies were not meant to carry the weight that we put on ourselves. We have to give it all to God and let him carry it. He wants to.
At the end of the night Gerrit had the students come up to the altar and pick up a blank sheet of paper. On it they were supposed to write all the things they were carrying around as baggage. I saw teenagers weeping, praying, writing the burdens of their heart on paper. Afterwards, all the papers were tossed inside a luggage case. BAM. The luggage case was closed shut. It was checked at the altar and no one could take it back.
Saturday morning. Sin. Pain. Tara talked about the vicious cycle that escalates to the point where people just give up. Looking back I can pinpoint the times of my life where pain that I refused to deal with lead me to sin. And that sin caused my heart to grieve and my depression to fall deeper. She told us that Jesus doesn't tell us to not sin because He wants to be mean and restrict us. But because He knows that sin only causes pain and He wants to save us the heartache.
She went on to talk about God's plan for our lives. She said that as Christians we always have plan A. I was encouraged by all the testimonies I heard of people who were called to be pastors or missionaries as children then walked away from the faith. They came back to a relationship with Jesus, restoration began, and now are serving all over the world to further the kingdom of God. Tara described how she grew up with fear that if she had screwed up once then she would have to live with Plan B for the rest of her life.
That is definitely how I thought. Before I lived with what ifs and thinking about how I could never achieve the best that God wanted for me because of my past sins. But thankfully, I cannot work to get God's favor. Through grace, I can live knowing that God has called me and I will go where He needs me to go. I will always have Plan A with Christ.
Gerrit spoke to us again Saturday night. Everything I learned was building up to this night. He said, "When friends remind you of your past you remind them of your future." Our lives began that night.
He prayed and began to say some things that were prophetic. Pretty cool. Then, he said that God had a call for everyone. He had a plan for each and every life. Gerrit said that although he was being prophetic, surprisingly, he was not going to be the one to pray over us. We were going to pray over each other. We were going to ask God what His call for our life was. If we weren't praying for ourselves we were praying for others. "But before you go up to the altar you need to check all your plans and dreams at your seats." We had to be completely open to what God had to say to us.
Although a leader, I started praying for myself. God told me to not fall back on Plan B, becoming an art therapist. He told me that I was going to touch more lives through my art than I ever would as a therapist. He also told me that since I wouldn't have a steady income I had to rely on Him for provisions. Great. Fortune was not in my future, but I was alright with that. I accepted it and I felt encouraged to seek Him further.
I saw this girl sitting on the floor so I began to ask the Holy Spirit for something to say to this girl. He told me that she was going to be a mother. I began to think about all the things I learned at Advanced EXCEL about how powerful being a mother is. So I walked up to her and prayed over her telling her that she was going to give birth to children and raise them up to be instruments in the hands of God.
I prayed that she wouldn't let depression and loneliness discourage her from the plans God had for her and that God would strengthen her to be the woman He has called her to be. After praying for a while, I asked her if that sounded right and she said yes.
That was encouraging to me so I stood up and began praying over the students as a whole. God started pointing out people. One girl was going to do something in music, which was later confirmed to me. Then, God told me to pray for this girl that I saw at the altar. I saw her as an inspirational speaker to teenagers. Awesome. She was praying with two other girls so I decided to wait a while to approach her.
I felt a tug in my thoughts. I needed to pray for this girl who I didn't know. I was glad to because I wanted to see if I would be right since I didn't have any preconceived ideas about her or knew what she liked. Another woman was praying over her so I closed my eyes and began to pray from a distance. Doctor. I don't even know if she likes that stuff. What kind of doctor? She's going to work at a pregnancy center. The woman had finished and had left the girl.
I walked over to her. "Has God told you anything?" She said, "The lady who prayed over me said that I was going to be a healer of nations, but she didn't know what that meant." Crazy. I told her that God had told me that she was going to be a doctor working with pregnant women. I asked her if I could pray with her and she said
yes. We introduced ourselves.
As I began to pray about her being an instrument in the hands of the Master Healer, God began to tell me personal things. He said she was shy so I asked God to give her the confidence to speak when she needed to speak up and that He would give her the words to say.
Then he said that she had a bad relationship with her parents. I began to tell her in prayer that when she returned home she needed to confess past sins to her parents. God would restore that relationship. She began to shake in my hands. She was crying. Oh my word.
I continued praying saying that her parents would guide her and support her in her walk with God. I prayed that her parents would be wise counselors in her life and that they would have a good relationship. It was crazy how on point I was in my prayer. As I closed, she looked up with wet, red eyes. We hugged each other and she thanked me.
I left her and saw the girl at the altar was done praying so I walked up to her. "Has God told you anything?" She said that she felt that she was called to missions. Cool. I told her that I saw her traveling being an inspirational speaker to teenagers. "Awesome!" She was totally excited about what God had for her.
I continued to walk around praying over the students when God pointed out one of the girls in junior high. She's small and a friend of my younger sister, Emily. I closed my eyes. What do you have for her? Construction Worker. Ha, that must be wrong. The girl doesn't look like she can carry much. What do you mean? She will build churches in India. Oh.
I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if God had told her anything. "I feel called to be a missionary." I told her what God told me. She responded, "That could work!"
Amazing. I have never been a part of anything like this. It was the most amazing experience ever. Those who attended can never forget that night. We left knowing that we can never doubt the God ordained call that we received. Satan will never be able to take it away from us. We have the victory in Jesus Christ and our lives will have satisfaction as we walk the path towards God. "An empty cross, an empty tomb, and a full life." That is what I have.
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