There are people who think that believing in God is stupid and unnecessary. Does believing in God benefit life? Many people would scoff at the thought of a sovereign God. Watching My Sister's Keeper gave me an insight to the world's mentality. It was bleak.
The movie opens with Anna Fitzgerald saying,"most babies are coincidences... the truth is that most babies are products of drunken evenings and lack of birth control. they're accidents."
How does having this belief affect one's perspective in life? To the world everything is a purposeless accident. Someone can do something and not think anything of the consequences.
It gets me thinking relative truths. Murder is okay and praying is offensive. This is a depressing world we live in. In My Sister's Keeper, Kate Fitzgerald is in a hospital dying of cancer and what do her relatives have to say to her? One aunt talked about how she heard about someone commanding her cancer cells to "be gone" and she was supposedly healed.
Believing in God doesn't mean everything in hunky dory. It doesn't mean that life is all of a sudden an episode of Leave It to Beaver. And it is not a sense of false hope to be held onto.
I felt that telling Kate to command her cancer cells to "be gone" is cruel. Guaranteeing a miraculous healing is pretty heartless if you ask me. She's going to die. False hope doesn't make anything easier. True hope does.
Now, there are those who buy into the prosperity gospel, where as long as you're a "good Christian" God won't let any horrible things happen to you because He only wants to bless you. If you are one of these people please feel free to contact me about it.
God tells us that we will have tribulations in this world,but be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. Did he promise happiness? First of all God is more concerned with your holiness than your happiness. However, He does promise the victory. God already won the war. So whatever Job-like difficulties you're going through don't let Satan trick you into cursing God.
A woman once gave me the analogy of a popular television show, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. A family gets their house practically rebuilt and redesigned with them in mind. At the end of the episode they get to see their dream home come to reality. There's a catch. To be eligible for the home makeover, these families have had to have a tragic loss in their lives, a disabled family member, made a personal sacrifice of some sort, etc.
You see they can't have the good without the bad. As Christians, we can hold on to the victory we have in Christ. Many have had to go through the bad, but not without some good. Looking back everyone knows that it's your past and the decisions you make that make the person standing today.
Every step counts and every move has a reason. Each of us are created with purpose. Whether we live out that purpose or not is completely up to us. We can live knowing we can bring some good into the world with God in us. We can also die knowing that God can bring even more good into the world. That is how I want to live... and die.
In My Sister's Keeper, Kate had no promise. She didn't know about true hope or the victory found in Christ. She died. Anna Fitzgerald ended the movie talking about how no good came of her death. The world didn't care. Life didn't matter. I watched and heard this. I cried. The movie, to me, was sad on a completely deeper level. To understand how the world thinks. Depressing.
I guess you can read this and figure out where you stand. We were created with a free will. How do you want see the world around you? With false hope, no hope, or the true hope? You decide.
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