Monday, June 7, 2010

please tolerate my intolerance

All you hear in this country is, "That's not politically correct." There is a new gospel that is being preached throughout the land and it's called tolerance. Schools are teaching that we must tolerate everyone. Does tolerance cover everything?

Isn't there a line that needs to be drawn?
We, as a nation, have come a long way. We used to have prayer in schools, STDs' weren't an epidemic, kids grew up with both parents in the house, and girls actually wore clothes that covered their bodies. Is it wrong for me to wish things would be like that now? I suppose I should tolerate this downwards spiral we seem to be going in.

LGBT clubs are springing up all over the school system yet how many students are denied the right to pray in God's name around a flagpole? We congratulate those who speak out and come out of the closet yet those who say, "I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins," are told to shut up and to leave their religion back home. People sneeze and get offended when someone says, "God bless you," as if you personally attacked their right to beleive something else. Okay, I don't say, "that's gay," or tell someone that they're acting "so gay," but is there a law restricting me from saying "God bless you" when someone sneezes?

I was sitting in my literature class one day and we were discussing the 2008 presidential candidates. The discussion lead to the qualifications of the vice presidential candidates. One young man raised his hand to speak and said, "Sarah Palin doesn't believe in evolution. I can't even take her seriously." Does that mean since I don't believe in evolution I will never be taken seriously? Isn't that prejudice against me because of my beliefs? If you said, "Oh, she's a lesbian. I can't even take her seriously," you would be facing some serious charges and be labeled a homophobe.

Everyone says to celebrate our differences and speak your mind, but who really means it? This world is full of people who want to be unique and stand out without standing up. Anyone who actually stands up for what they believe in are labeled extremists. My problem with tolerance is that it's a lie. It's a big, fat lie.

If everyone really tolerated than eHarmony wouldn't have gotten sued for not having options like "Male seeking Male." Christians with Christian businesses that are founded on Christian values should not be scared into or forced to change to follow what everyone else is doing. Just like there are plenty of fish in the sea, there are plenty of dating services online.

The documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed depicts just how "tolerant" people are to different beliefs. The film's description says, "Ben Stein (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) travels the world on his quest, and learns an awe-inspiring truth … that educators and scientists are being ridiculed, denied tenure and even fired – for the crime of merely believing that there might be evidence of design in nature, and that perhaps life is not just the result of accidental, random chance." Check out the film.

I guess this topic will be continued later on. Let's see how things play out in the future and if people are really tolerating everyone. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think, whether you agree or not. Until later, God bless.


Unknown said...

I agree with you, Graciela.
It is so funny how people are pushing for tolerance and then turning around and doing the oppisite.
I love reading your blog. You write such a great stuff.
Can't wait to see you!! It will be awesome.

Unknown said...

So true!!! Everything and everyone is to be tolerated except Jesus and those who follow Him!!!